Recipes on How to Make–Homemade Face Masks for Acne
By use of natural DIY facial masks prepared at home, a person can decrease the effects of bacteria and other harmful constituents causing acne. These face masks at home are prepared in few minutes. Here are some amazing homemade face mask for acne lets have a look!
Are Face Masks Good for Acne?
A well-prepared facial mask could assist to cure acne by discarding the dirt that may clog pores as well as obstruct the flow of sebum. This flow is eventually collapsed by bacteria causing acne to make inflammatory intermediaries that incite the creation of acne lesion.
What Homemade Face Mask is Best for Acne?
All the below discussed homemade face mask are best for treating acne.
Turmeric Face Mask for Acne
- 4 tablespoons of turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon of milk
- 4 tablespoons of raw honey
- A clean bowel
Preparation Time: 5-10 mins.
- Take 4 tablespoons of turmeric powder and into that add 1 tablespoon of milk and 4 tablespoons of raw honey.
- Stir this mixture into a clean bowel till you make a smooth paste.
- Keep the mixture inside the refrigerator to cool.
- Now take a hot shower in order to soften the skin by use of mild shower gel or even you can use bath soap.
- When in the shower, make use of a washcloth and dunk it in hot water.
- Apply the warm washcloth on acne affected areas directly for 5 minutes.
- Pat your skin dry.
- Make use of your fingers and then apply this turmeric paste to skin by use of soft massaging motion. Make sure to massage for minimum 10 minutes and leave this face mask to dry overnight.
How it works: Turmeric face mask when applied to acne-affected parts can kill the P.acnes bacteria responsible to create feeling of inflammation and it also discard excessive oil present from the skin.
Repetitions: Once a day.
Best time to apply: In your free time.
Tips: Turmeric is found to stain clothes. Hence, make use of old clothes or bed sheets whenever you apply this treatment.
Baking Soda Face Mask for Acne

- 2 teaspoons of baking soda
- 1 cup water
Preparation Time: 5 mins.
- Cleanse and dry your face using a gentle cleanser
- Mix around 2 teaspoons of baking soda into 1 cup water to make a wet paste.
- Leave the face mask on your skin for minimum 15mins.
- Remove the mask using cool water and pat dry.
How it works: For treating acne breakouts, it is found that baking soda can aid to soothe inflammation as well as mild pain.
Repetitions: 2 – 4 times a week.
Best time to apply: In morning.
Tips: Make sure to make wet paste only.
Avocado Face Mask for Acne
- ½ ripe avocado
- 2 tbs. hot water
- 1 tsp. honey
Preparation Time: 5-10 mins.
- Mash half ripe avocado using a fork.
- Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey inside the hot water and combine it with the mashed avocado.
- Apply the face mask using your fingers or a brush.
- Keep the face mask for 10 minutes and finally rinse it off using lukewarm water.
How it works: Avocados are helpful to treat acne because they contain antioxidants, vitamins, plant phytonutrients and essential fatty acids in excess amount.
Repetitions: Twice a week.
Best time to apply: In morning.
Tips: Make sure to use ripe avocado only.
Honey Face Mask for Acne

- 3 teaspoons of honey
Preparation Time: 5-10 mins.
- Simply spread layer of honey (quantity: 3 teaspoons) on your face.
How it works: The use of a honey mask for treating acne can not only clear the blockage but it can even discard the contagious microbes, therefore decreasing the signs of acne.
Repetitions: Twice or thrice a week.
Best time to apply: At any time of day.
Tips: To get best results, try using filtered honey instead of traditional cooking honey.
Oatmeal and Honey Face Mask for Acne

- 1 cup of plain oatmeal
- 1-2 teaspoons of raw organic honey
Preparation Time: 5 mins.
- Cook 1 cup of serving of plain oatmeal.
- Stir 1-2 teaspoons of raw organic honey into the oatmeal.
- Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.
- Make use of fingertips to apply the face mask to skin.
- Leave the mask for 20-30 minutes.
- Rinse it off using hot water and pat dry.
How it works: Oatmeal functions to absorb excess oil, avoiding it from clogging pores.
Repetitions: Twice a week.
Best time to apply: In evening.
Tips: Make sure you don’t apply the face mask without cooling it.
Aloe Vera Face Mask for Acne:

- 1 mild antibacterial soap
- 1 cup water
- 1 aloe vera leaf
Preparation Time: 5 mins.
- Wash your face using mild antibacterial soap and water.
- Dry your face thoroughly.
- Extract gel from one aloe vera leaf.
- Apply this extracted gel over your clean affected skin.
- Leave it overnight and then wash it off using water the following morning.
How it works: The aloe vera gel contains antibacterial properties that are found to be effective in healing acne and diminishing the redness lead by it.
Repetitions: Once a day.
Best time to apply: Before going to bed.
Tips: Use fresh aloe vera leaf only.
Aspirin Face Mask for Acne:

- 4-5 uncoated, plain aspirin pills
- 1 tablespoon of lukewarm water
- 1 tablespoon of Honey or plain yogurt (optional)
Preparation Time: 5-10 mins.
- Mix 4-5 uncoated aspirin pills with 1 tablespoon of lukewarm water to prepare a paste. In case you wish to have a thicker mask, add 1 tablespoon of yogurt or honey.
- Apply this mask through a thin layer over your face and allow it to dry.
- Remove the face mask using warm water, and rinse it off using gentle circular motion.
How it works: The effective ingredient present in aspirin pills is chemically identical to salicylic acid, assisting to exfoliate the skin.
Repetitions: Twice a week.
Best time to apply: In your free time.
Tips: Certain people are very allergic to aspirin; hence they can try out a patch test on their forearm prior spreading the face mask on face.