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Simple Grandmother’s Trick to Prevent and Get Rid of Grey Hair

Simple Grandmother’s Trick to Prevent and Get Rid of Grey Hair

Getting rid of silver hair without the use of chemicals is a challenging process but it is not impossible. Appearance of grey hair is common with age. The most common age for the appearance of grey hair is after you turn 30. Sometimes, grey hair appear quicker and this can be attributed to genetic factors. Grey hair is not necessarily a sign of ageing. However with age the appearance of grey hair is common.

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There are not many scientific studies that can prove the appearance of grey hair early except the genetic factors that contribute to it. Some other factors such as hormonal imbalances, pituitary gland problems, nutritional deficiencies, anemia, and thyroid, using of hair dryer and dyes, chemotherapy and radiotherapy also contribute to grey hair formation.

Eating less nutritious and suffering mental anxiety leads growth of white hair. Some of the essential nutrients required for hair growth are B vitamins; iron, copper and iodine. The deficiency of these nutrients leads to premature silver hair.

Simple Formula for Hair Loss
Black Beans Treatment
  1. Steam the beans and vinegar in the bowl unless it gets warm.
  2. Drain using sieve to eliminate any fiber.
  3. Black beans elucidate water and hairline is replenished.
  4. Wash your hair with clean water.
Ripe Strawberry 
  1. Take 1kg matured or ripped strawberries.
  2. Take soft cloth and let it act as a sieve for the juice.
  3. Drink two times every day.
Although using chemical coloring agents seem like an easier way to getting rid of grey hair, remember that this is only a temporary solution. Natural ways of eliminating grey hair have longer effects.