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How to Choose the Right Hair Color

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that the hair color must be selected by skin tone. But the main thing that should be guided when choosing a color is eye color. The main rule here is to combine correctly! Cold tones with cold, and warm with warm. Let’s take a closer look at which colors are brown-eyed and which are blue-eyed, and determine the best hair color for them.

Bold, but very suitable solution would be an ice blond. It will also look amazing black in combination with sky-blue eyes, like the other dark shades. Blue-eyed categorically does not suit the red color, it looks unnatural, and it is better to refuse it.
If you have gray eyes, it is easiest for you to find the right shade for one simple reason – almost everything suits you. Pick up hair color for bright eyes is not difficult, but here it will not do without rules and exceptions. It is better for gray-eyed girls to refuse platinum, fiery red and blue-black.
If, nevertheless, you want to become a blonde, then a wheat-colored color is best, and if you prefer a blond one, then it is ashen rather than golden. Special attention should be paid to such colors as “chocolate”, “coffee”, “cognac” and “nut”. These shades will be perfectly combined with eye color.
Now let’s talk about girls with brown eyes. The first and most important rule for the brown-eyed – a shade that completely coincides with the color of the eyes, is absolutely not suitable! Better to pick a different color.
To emphasize the eyes, you can stop at a bluish-black hue; shades of cappuccino, latte or woody are suitable for drastic changes. If you have brown eyes, then experimenting with a red color for you. Red, copper and fiery red are your colors, but cold shades are not for you at all, it is better to avoid them.
Let us turn to the tips for the mysterious and mysterious owners of green eyes. These women are very lucky, they suit all shades of red – from light copper to fiery red. But this does not mean at all that only red shades are suitable, you can choose both light and dark colors.