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Trends-Fashion Hair Coloring 2020

Stylists offer beautiful coloring in two colors. This is especially true for short and medium curls. This method is most acceptable if you want to look stylish, but not very extravagant. For example, you can dye the bangs in one color, and the main part of the hair in another.
The trend is also fashionable dyeing techniques using halftones, which looks very interesting. On long hair, you can use all kinds of dyeing techniques, choosing ashen, wheat, shades of red, and a combination of several shades for a mega effective and stylish look.
Besides, blonde hair can be tinted in black, adding playfulness and originality to the image, and demonstrating its uniqueness. The most fashionable colors for coloring 2020 for each member of the fair sex are individual, however, professionals highlight very unusual shades, such as platinum, deep black, blond in various variations, rich red and passionate cherry, burgundy, milk chocolate, golden – coffee, chocolate lilac, dark cinnamon, etc.

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